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How does the search work?

If you know the author or the title of a book, the Search will find it for you. Also if you just know the name of the Author you can type in the Author's name and the search will search the database for all books by that author.

Why can't I find what I'm looking for?

There could be a number of different reasons why you can't find the book or sort of books you're looking for. Here are a few possibilities:

- Spelling
Unfortunately spelling is very important when it comes to searching databases, as one wrong letter will mean you won't find what you're looking for. If you're not sure of the spelling, try using a ? for the letter or letters you're doubtful about. (e.g. barc?lona)

- Book not in the database
The database contains information on all Ireland/UK available titles from 3 months in advance of publication until the books go out of print, and it is updated every day. If you can't find a specific book and you're sure you have used some of the exact words in the title, it's possible that the book may not be in the database. Are you sure the book is in print and available for sale in Ireland/UK?
